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Christopher has been working hard on his second job as a freelance writer for many d20 publishing companies. D20 is the name of a game system for role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, Conan, Judge Dredd, Star Wars and many many more. He has been published once so far in the main magazine of the genre called "Dragon Magazine", but they have already bought two more of his articles which will be out in the May and June issues of this year. He's also been published in a book called Pale Designs, which is a supplemental rule book for the game. We thought he was going to be hired fulltime by one such publishing company, but they ended up picking one other writer who had been freelancing for them for awhile. So Christopher will continue his freelancing as well, with the hopes that someday he can write full time.
I'm the one doing the website, so I'll just use "I and me". hehe
I work part time at Holmes shoes as a stockperson/sales clerk, work full time as a mother, also full time as a wife and housekeeper, as well as being the book keeper for the family finances and the one who ties it all together LOL! But I love every minute of it. I have to say up front though, there is no way I could do it all without FlyLady at www.flylady.net . I have been on her system for one year now and I cannot imagine going back to the way life used to be. When people would come visit we'd do what FlyLady calls a stash and dash and crisis cleaning. But now, our home is clean for US! Not just visitors. Its made everything in our lives so much better, from being nicer to each other to finally having nice things because we finally feel like we deserve it.
I'll be back to write more and add photos of us later.