Rhiannon's Page!

Rhiannon will be 7 years old on July 23, 2003. She's in first grade now. She has had straight "A's" for the past two grade cards. They actually use check marks, and she got all check pluses!! YAY!! Her teacher always writes comments like how thrilled she is to have Rhiannon in her class and to see a child SO eager to learn.
What surprises me is how well behaved she is at school according to her teacher. She can be a real monster at home with her sisters. She has a bad temper and has trouble controlling her anger. I'm really hoping it stays good at school, or else we'll have to see if we can get a Doctor to help her out.
Rhiannon is a fantastic artist! I'm going to put up many of her works of art here. Many look like tracings, but they're not. Many of them are actually just free hand drawings of her toys. I know she has incredible talent and it just gets better each year.
I'll keep posting more of her artwork as she cranks it out. :-D

One is blowpens stencil and one is freehand - age 6

Faelyn's Betty Spaghetti dolls - age 6

Reggie from Rocket Power TV show - age 5

Raggedy Ann and Andy - age5 - She sat her dolls up in front of her and drew them... took about half an hour! I was amazed at the detail she got from them.

Rhiannon as a blue butterfly for Halloween 2001

Rhiannon found a prize egg on Easter 2003 at her Mammaw's house.
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